Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Repair a Hole in Your Lampshade with a Bird Nest!

Yep, you read that right!

The birds in my house live in  posh accomodations!
In fact, they are master nest builders. :)

A few weeks ago while perusing my mother's garage, I spied this little jewel.

After talking my mother's husband into letting me have it, I proudly - and quickly - tucked it away in my car. I didn't know what I'd do with it, but I knew I was in love with the shape. Actually, I thought I'd probably just use it to trace the pattern and create a stencil.
(Which I still will do by the way.)

I pondered recovering it but then decided I liked the shabby grunginess of it in it's current state.
Only problem was, I needed to figure out how to fix that hole.

Well it just so happens that I was attempting to clean out a closet in my craft room today, and I was picking things up off the floor that I'd left in a pretty little trail leading to said closet.
Trying to get in there, I stumbled over the lampshade, which somehow found it's way to the floor.
When I did that, I dropped what was in my hand and it landed on the shade.
I leaned down to pick it all up and noticed that a clump of moss and a spring of flowers was sitting on top of the hole in the lampshade.
Hmmm, I thought, that looks pretty good. I think I'll go with that!

So, after collecting a few supplies from my plethora of all that is crafty, I came up with these things.

Look at all the goodies I found. I've got birds, nests, eggs, feathers, moss, flowers, and twigs.
Don't you love it when you but all those things you don't need at the moment just because you caught a good sale? Yeah, me too......

Welp, I guess I'll grab my glue gun and get started.

The first order of business was to fill in that hole, so I tucked a handful of moss in it.
Then I just started layering up my products.
Note: I don't actually start gluing things down until I get a good base I know I can work with.

After playing around a bit, (ok, about 30 minutes more than I needed to),
I finally had a nest I was proud of. Some would call it a floral arrangement,
but I assure you, there are eggs in there. :)

I told you my birds have posh accomodations!

Now that my nest was finished, I only had one problem.
There's no room left for my bird! Oops!

I decided to just perch him on the top of the shade, as if to watch over his nest.
(I say "his" like he's the one laying those eggs, and we all know that no male is going to volunteer to do that - so I guess my bird is a 'she' afterall. :) )

I just love it!

And to answer two questions I know you'll be asking.....
I got the birds at The Dollar Tree.
Check these out - 2 for $1.
And Yes, I bought all they had - 4 different types of birds.

...and the other is, I got my feathers at Hobby Lobby while they were on sale at half off.
I even took a picture for you with the item number incase you need to show an employee to help you find them. :) They're with the floral stems.
And Yes, I bought all of those too!

Now, since this is my first official completed project of the year, and I transformed my lampshade, I'm linking up to:

WhisperWood Cottage

What projects have you jumpstarted the year with?

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