Thursday, December 31, 2009

My New Year's Blessing for You

We're busy packing and getting ready to travel back and forth from Colorado to Kentucky twice in the next two weeks, so I won't be able to be with you all very much during that time. That's over 5200 hard road miles. Yikes.
I will be visiting your blogs as much as I am able, but if you don't see me there, please understand. I'll catch up with you when I get settled in my new home.

I want to thank all of you who have visited my blog, and continued to help me grow this little dream of mine. I can't believe the amount of support one gets here in blogland, and I am truly thankful for each of you. I've learned so many tips from the creativity that is abundant in this little world of ours, and I've learned how to do so many new things, and made many new friends. I hope I have been able to be the inspiration to you that you have been to me.

That being said, here is my New Year's wish for all of my new friends out there in blogland..


I hope this year that you have a life filled with peace and contentment, laughter and joy, love and solitude. I hope you get all that you could ever hope for.

I hope that you will be happy, and that you will prosper at whatever you do, and that your children will experience the same. I hope that you will be in good health, and if you're ailing, that your health will be restored.

I wish your life to be free of serious incident, and that you find provision for whatever your needs may be.

I wish you friends that offer you laughter in your life, and a place to turn for strength when you are in need.

I hope that you will seek out the good in every situation in your life. I hope you will find a way to see the positive in all matters.

I hope that you will not have to struggle for any reason, but if you do, I hope that you will realize that it is temporary and will not let it get you down.

I hope that you set new goals for yourself, and achieve them.

And most of all, I hope that we can all be better than we were last year. I hope we can all have the opportunity to help others. I hope that we can look at the world a bit differently, and make a difference wherever possible.

May you have someone in your life that you love so much it makes you laugh and cry at the time, and may you be that person in someone else's life.

I wish that you are the person that someone else wants to be like.

Wishing you a year of new blessings for 2010.

With Ultimate Sincerity from me to you, Polly

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