Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Inspirational Eye Candy for DIYers

I have a lot of things going on in the background right now and haven't had much time to post. I'm still trying to finish unpacking my house, get ready for a market, and put the finishing touches on my Home Decor Series that I promised you all.

What I'm saying is, my posting has been intermitent, and will continue to be so for about two more weeks. I appreciate all of your emails checking in on me. Rest assured, I'm okay, just super busy.

I thought I'd pop in today and give you a show of eye candy.
Spring is fast approaching, and with Spring comes the itch to start cleaning, downsizing, redecorating, freshening our surroundings, and getting creative indoors and out.

Today, I wanted to post a few pics that I have in my inspiration files in hopes that you will see something you'd like to recreate for yourself during your Spring freshening efforts.
These are some painted chests from Guildmaster that I just love. I think I'll recreate the first one on a small night stand.


Love, love, love this. From http://www.secondhandart.net/

I just love the cheerful colors and the use of vintage canisters for organization, and the fabric panels on the wall as art. Take a peek at that fabric storage underneath.

Someone sent this to me in email, so I'm not sure of its origin. If it's yours or you know whose it is, please let me know and I will credit it properly.
How's this idea for your paints?
I really like that you can look at the color actaully painted out, and then just pick out that bottle.
I usually just put a dab of the paint on top of my bottles, but I like this idea much better for being able to select and pair colors quick and easy.

I think I got this from Houzz, but not sure. Again, if it's yours, let me know.
This idea doesn't take up much room, but look how many things it allows you to put in one spot.
I love it when people use every nook of space effectively. Gotta try this one!

Got this from House and Home website. Again, super effective storage.
I'm for sure going to do that with my wrapping paper.

From http://www.kristincunningham.com/. This is her personal bedroom.
Think of how many doiles you could come up with if you shopped your own home.
Wouldn't this be wonderful against a brighter bacground, or even a soft aqua?

How fun to add a punch of an unexpected color. Love this.

I could move in her house today and be perfectly content.
If you've not seen her blog, you must go look at the slideshow of her home.
So simply beautiful.

What a great fresh look for spring. This is a store display at Arheuz in downtown Cherry Creek in Denver.

What a great idea for an old door. This could be a coffee table or a dining table.
This is from SharonS on the HGTV Trash to Treasure message boards.

This is fabulous. Found this at Junk Market Style, member Chovey.
I've made benches from beds before, but never thought of making a planter.
I'll definitely have to do this one this summer.

A store display from Honey's Home Style in Texas. Isn't the silver, red, and white so cheerful?

I will never lose my love for red.

What inspires you?
Any favorites to share, or sites I should visit?

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